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"Family with Dreams Cut Out," Verse Daily (Originally published in Southern Indiana Review)
"Against 'The Dover Bitch'," Verse Daily (Originally published in Birmingham Poetry Review)
"Bitch as Sheepdog" and "My Scorpion," Memorious, Issue 32
"Testimony of the Alpha" and "Her Testimony," Couplet Poetry
"The Honorable Answer Speaks" and "The Victims' Attorney: Opening Statement," Diode Poetry Journal
"Bitch Interrupts a Wedding," The Missouri Review Poem of the Week
"The Pool" and "The New Hospital," The Cortland Review, Issue 86
Four Poems and an Interview in The Adroit Journal, Issue 35
"Expecting," Poem of the Week at Poetry Northwest
"Loving Ophelia Is," Juxtaprose
"After Pawning the Engagement Ring," SWWIM
"May the Stars Guide You Safely Home," "The Pink Bathroom," "Attic," "A Joke," The Seventh Wave
"Different Kinds of Sadness," The Missouri Review Poem of the Week
"In Which Ophelia Reopens the Box of Hamlet's Drawings," Juxtaprose​
Selections from "The Spirit Change," Connotation Press: An Online Artifact
"Love Song of the Demogorgon," Tupelo Quarterly
"Epistle from the Hospital for Text Messaging," Gulf Coast
"Epistle from the Hospital for Harassment," The Journal​​
"Graviton" and "The Night I Left," Stirring: A Literary Collection​
"Storm Coming," The Missouri Review
"Echolocation," The Adroit Journal
The Boiler Journal (Three Poems)
Mudlark Poster No. 115 (Four Poems)